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Monday 10 March 2014

Youth's Deviency

      Youth's Deviency

  "if you want to destrory any country or any nation then destory its youth"
              As we all know that youth is considered as the backbone of any country or nation.The nation'sfuture and success depends upon on their youth's performance and courage.
                                          Deviency in youth is now in peak in pakistan. They are turning on the deviant track.They are adopting western culture instead of islamic culture.My heart's cry when i see that our youth is busy in serving internet instead of learning quranic teachings.They are busy to watch  porn movies.They are missusing mobile phonesinstead of concentrating on their studies.They don't belive in work hard and sadly and unfortunstely they are following short cuts and invole in criminal activites like cybercrime ,robbery , snatching,kidnaooing etc.60%of pakistan living under the line of poverty. To fulfil their basic needs they forget the halal's and haram concept.
               It's also the dark side of pakistani society that the youth girls and boys both are addicted to smoking,sheesha smoking,drinking and drugs.
          They are called it "Moderanism". I give a damn to this so called modernism. Due to this they are destroying themselves.
           These all are those elements which can easily destroy any nation of the nation is destroyed then the country with automaticaly finished. Due to his.I'm seeing a very Dark and horrible future of  pakistan.
                                                                                                                              MARIAM HASSAN 

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