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Wednesday 2 April 2014

Status Of Women In Islam

Islam is the religion of peace and it has taught all the humans to live peacefully and happily.Islam give appropriate price to men and women of the world.
         Human play an important role in any society.An Islamic society provides shelter and safety to women.Men and Women have very different roles in an Islamic society.These rules and responsibilities are naturally different for both the genders.

         Before Islam,women had no value in society at all.The people of Arabs were so ignorant that they even buried their newly born daughters.The birth of the daughter was regarded as the curse amongst them but Islam corrected their vision about women.Our Holy Prophet P.B.U.H taught them to be kind and respectful to women.He respected his daughter Hazrat Fatima R.A so much that he stood in her honour and  behaved very affectionately with her.He also taught us that " Heaven lies under the feet of mother" which means that we should obey and respect our mother to much.
        In Pre-Islamic society,women did not have any legal rights but Islam gave equal rights to women and being a mother,a women is far superior to man in Islam.Islam has also given the right of inheritance to women.The Holy Quran also states that women are to be given the same religious and legal status as men.
        In short we can say that women in Islam have a very unique and respectable place.Islam has placed women at the best place in society and has shown them how they have to lead their lives peacefully in an Islamic society.

Mariam Hassan

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