Freedom of expression is not a monopoly of press:it is a right of us all (Nelson Mandela)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Slipping into the comfort of Technology

I was sitting with my family in our lounge when i realized my father was sitting with his iPad checking his mail and was talking on the phone simultaneously, my brother was on the digital book reader, my mother was grilling sandwiches in the electric grill and my sister was loading dishes in the dish washer. I had a flash back of a younger version of me when mobile phones were big and bulky and were only use for calling people. To send an email we had the big computers with a fat CPU and monitor screen with dial up internet which took hours to connect and for listening to music we had the radio, CDS and cassette players and even for watching movies we had VCR's. DVD players came later on. i even remember my mother telling me that in her days people used to talk about sophisticated gadgets. my grandmother even predicted that there would be times when we will be able to talk to people living in far away countries, face to face.Science has made all of this possible. now a days we can't even think of living without our cell phones for even one day. We use a few appliances in our houses so commonly that we don't even realize how important they are... we straightened or curl our hairs within 10-15 minutes while my mother told me she once did it with the regular iron.

Coming back to reality i realized what a blessing all these new cool gadgets and appliances are but again they should be used for positive purposes and not for harming people. Gone are the days when communication was seldom and hurdle-some, life was hard and traveling was tiring and difficult. Everything was done manually... The world has evolved and is changing everyday bringing new, smarter gadgets and we are just slipping in to these new technologies without even realizing how much they have influenced our lives.

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