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Tuesday 18 March 2014

Metropolitan Hurdles

Workplace diversity is now recognized as an important feature in organization. Especially in multicultural nations like Australia. What communication problems might arise in a culturally diverse workplace and how can manager best deal with them?

In a multicultural nation, there will be many communication problems because of different people. As the people who are working in same place but they belong to different countries and having different languages, cultures and norms. The main problem is language problem. If the people don’t understand the language of other person, it makes difficulty for both the persons and because of this misunderstanding, the organization does not work properly and will be damaging day by day.

The problem can be managed through the excellent plans. In multicultural states, there should be a rule to speak same language at official level. The leaders of organization should appoint the person who has ability to speak that language at official level.

Maham Khan

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