Freedom of expression is not a monopoly of press:it is a right of us all (Nelson Mandela)

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Constructive Power

Ideas make permanent impact on audience or people where as ideas have much longer impact than violence.But the question is how we interpret-ate our ideas to others?Ideas are propagated by the writing or the pen.
            In early ages,when men was illiterate and had no education men fought with each other on different issues and ideologies.People murdered each other.But by the time men realize that the use of weapon could not solve problems.Weapons could kill men but not bring about a change of heart.The dispute and issues can solve peacefully by negotiating with each other by the help of writing or by the help of pen.
                    The great Edward Lytton said," Pen is mighter than sword"
                                             What a great saying! Pen is considered as the sword,revolutionist,the weapon of war and the tool of peace.It's neither good nor bad.It's what you do that makes it punishment or the reward.The victory of Muslims over British was actually the victory of pen over sword.60 years ago a nation was groping into the darkness of ignorance awoke and united on one platform.Due to their struggle and sacrifices a new state has been emerged on the map of the world named by was happened only by the power of pen.The stricken nation was only awoke by the revolutionary poetry and articles of Allama Iqbal and many other legends.Indeed it is a constructive power.
                                  According to recent survey more than 60% people believe that the pen is more powerful than the sword.Because a writer express his noble thinking and ideas in the form of words on the paper.The pen has stronger influence over masses.The victories of sword are short lived.The conquered of Hitler,Alexender,Tipu Sultan can be forgotten but the poetry of Iqbal and the writing of Shakespare will be remembered til the end of the world.

Mariam Hassan

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