Freedom of expression is not a monopoly of press:it is a right of us all (Nelson Mandela)

Monday 3 March 2014


I was coming back to home from university.I saw an old man polishing the metals on the road side(foot path).
 He shouldn't do this!... He deserves to be in his warm bed surrounded by his grand children... he is feeble and needs rest... he should be wearing clean and warm clothes, but why is he doing the polishing of metal on the road side in these nippy days?

Alas! He is poor. 

Unlike other old men, who sleep and wake up on cushy beds every morning, he, perhaps, wakes up on some footpath. The scarcity of food and the financial condition of the family don't keep him from doing all this hard work. His bare feet speak for his poverty and how needy he is. His beard has turned white now and his hands lack the energy and strength, but his poverty compels him to work. He might not be the main bread earner in the family, but who sees that in a poor family where everyone, whether a child or old man/woman, has to work to earn money. 

Fate might have some role in it that some people are born rich and some poor, but the lesson I get from this picture is that one should always count his blessings and be grateful for them. I am sure  he can't afford to eat egg every day. Perhaps, his pocket allows him to have tea only with some low-quality biscuits in the morning. Skipping a meal might be his routine.

I am proud of him... for his determination, his work, his old age and his zeal. 

By :

Mariam Hassan

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