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Wednesday 12 March 2014

What To Expect In A Multi-Cultural Work Place..

If we talk about  Multicultural, the first thing which arises in our mind is language, because every culture, every nation as their own national language which make them different among others. The world is becoming large day-by-day and so the organizations all over the world is doing very hard struggle to be the best one. Organizations, institution always become well-known or become famous due to the working and hardship of the employees who are working in it. If we further talk about the culture, language, or organization, we can see that the multinational organization always want best employees, who know the communication skills and known of at least more then two language, which is good for them.
As we see, that all over the world in many organizations people with different culture and languages working in them. The things that might be create problem in communication is different speech of language, because everyone is not good enough in speaking different languages and if we can se many countries support or appreciate their own national language in every aspects, like China. It mostly use their own language rather then English which is international language. They use their language as a basic content of their lives. There every product, every articles mostly everything is surrounded by their language.
In America, many different people working in different sectors everyone is not known of same language that is speaking or writing around them, but if still they are understanding the works and order of that organization is the Manager of that organization who is well-organized or know the different languages, culture or tradition to treat their employees and make the goodwill among them, if the communication barrier take place in any organization it is the weakest point which take organization to the failure.

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