Freedom of expression is not a monopoly of press:it is a right of us all (Nelson Mandela)

Friday 28 March 2014

Illitearcy Destroys The Nation

Illiteracy Destroys The Nation

In the current competitive world, no country can be developed and brought to its full potential without having an easily an accessible system of education that is of high quality and supports creativity and talented students. One of the critical objectives of higher education is to support the large pool of talented but financially disadvantaged students to reach their goals and become the next generation of leaders, scientists and professionals who can lead the country out of poverty into an economically sustainable nation.
Education is the key of success, without having the key we can’t open the lock of prosperity. The world is becoming a global network. It is very necessary to get education to remain attach with the world. It is a main duty of government to provide the acceptable facilities for education to every child as it is the most important need of time.
If there will no education, then the country can never be prosperous and the nation is always fighting for their problems.
Maham Khan

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Slipping into the comfort of Technology

I was sitting with my family in our lounge when i realized my father was sitting with his iPad checking his mail and was talking on the phone simultaneously, my brother was on the digital book reader, my mother was grilling sandwiches in the electric grill and my sister was loading dishes in the dish washer. I had a flash back of a younger version of me when mobile phones were big and bulky and were only use for calling people. To send an email we had the big computers with a fat CPU and monitor screen with dial up internet which took hours to connect and for listening to music we had the radio, CDS and cassette players and even for watching movies we had VCR's. DVD players came later on. i even remember my mother telling me that in her days people used to talk about sophisticated gadgets. my grandmother even predicted that there would be times when we will be able to talk to people living in far away countries, face to face.Science has made all of this possible. now a days we can't even think of living without our cell phones for even one day. We use a few appliances in our houses so commonly that we don't even realize how important they are... we straightened or curl our hairs within 10-15 minutes while my mother told me she once did it with the regular iron.

Coming back to reality i realized what a blessing all these new cool gadgets and appliances are but again they should be used for positive purposes and not for harming people. Gone are the days when communication was seldom and hurdle-some, life was hard and traveling was tiring and difficult. Everything was done manually... The world has evolved and is changing everyday bringing new, smarter gadgets and we are just slipping in to these new technologies without even realizing how much they have influenced our lives.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Constructive Power

Ideas make permanent impact on audience or people where as ideas have much longer impact than violence.But the question is how we interpret-ate our ideas to others?Ideas are propagated by the writing or the pen.
            In early ages,when men was illiterate and had no education men fought with each other on different issues and ideologies.People murdered each other.But by the time men realize that the use of weapon could not solve problems.Weapons could kill men but not bring about a change of heart.The dispute and issues can solve peacefully by negotiating with each other by the help of writing or by the help of pen.
                    The great Edward Lytton said," Pen is mighter than sword"
                                             What a great saying! Pen is considered as the sword,revolutionist,the weapon of war and the tool of peace.It's neither good nor bad.It's what you do that makes it punishment or the reward.The victory of Muslims over British was actually the victory of pen over sword.60 years ago a nation was groping into the darkness of ignorance awoke and united on one platform.Due to their struggle and sacrifices a new state has been emerged on the map of the world named by was happened only by the power of pen.The stricken nation was only awoke by the revolutionary poetry and articles of Allama Iqbal and many other legends.Indeed it is a constructive power.
                                  According to recent survey more than 60% people believe that the pen is more powerful than the sword.Because a writer express his noble thinking and ideas in the form of words on the paper.The pen has stronger influence over masses.The victories of sword are short lived.The conquered of Hitler,Alexender,Tipu Sultan can be forgotten but the poetry of Iqbal and the writing of Shakespare will be remembered til the end of the world.

Mariam Hassan

Thursday 20 March 2014


A human being is born with no ability.Each person depends entirely upon its parents,carers or any responsible personal that has been assigned the duty of nurturing of any child.Its plain and simple,when we are young and helpless,we have everything to learn from the elder generation,be it from our parents or our teachers.They lead the way for us.However,today's modern youth might not consider the option of using the guidance if their elders.Technology and its uses have advanced so much that the elder generation can only wonder how their words of wisdom might inspire the younger generation
If today's younger generation believes that their elders offer nothing to teach them,and than they should be well prepared to hear the same remark from their next generation.the truth is the elder generation have everything to teach the youngers, be it in any field.Their mistakes of the past are vital for the reformation of the future so that the next generation avoids such catastrophes

Wednesday 19 March 2014

UNHRC and its unholy Evolution.

The United Nation's Human Right Commission/Council (UNHRC/HRC) was a replacement of the previously known assembly of the UN called Council of Human Rights (UNCHR/CHR). It was made an independent assembly where 47 different members would meet and discuss the rights of humans. It was designed for one purpose and one purpose only, "To protect and administer the Human Rights" according to the "Human Rights Declaration" signed in the 1960s.It was the duty of UNHRC to protect the rights of Humans and to make sure that no injustice is done to a being "across the globe". Racism, Sexism, religious and sectarian discrimination was to be abolished and a collateral system was to be made.
   Soon, the UNHRC was afflicted by the UN's P5. The Veto system came in the HRC and things started to change. The P5 now ruled the Human Rights. They Human Rights were now under their command and perspective. What was made an independent and a unified assembly was now just like every other general assembly "under the reign." UNHRC was based on the constitution that it would always serve the rights originally designed in the 60s and that it would help equality to prosper in the world. But then the tidal wave came and pretty much like every other thing, the constituency was amended and UNHRC was now just a so called "independent assembly" which now worked as a puppet of the P5 and the European Union of the United Nations. 

      Today we see a new phase of this assembly. The assembly made in the 60s is no longer. We still call it the committee of Human Rights but is this committee serving its original promise? Why is this Committee not working in states like Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Syria and Myanmar? Why are all these places where ruthless killing and Violation of every single article of the human right declaration is being done over looked? Why is the Killing of Afghans in the name of "WMD" applauded but nothing is carried out against Palestine where these "weapons of Mass Destruction" are present and openly kept. Why the oppression of minorities in Myanmar and Syria is over looked? Why is the Sectarian Violence in Iran Ignored, why? Why are the merciless acts of USA in Iraq not condemned? But what is looked upon is the long going war which is a matter of USA's reputation between Palestine and Israel being scratched. Is Israel-Palestine violence the only problem present in the world, or is it the only threat to the reputation of the United States of America?
   UNHRC is no more an independent assembly but a puppet of the P5 working not for the world's benefit but the benefit of the P5. People are dying in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Myanmar and Syria. Borderline killings are being done. Produce of weapons from across the borders are being provided for a Civil war in Syria but UNHRC doesn't care. Where is the Human Right's Declaration now? Where is the assembly that under the original constituency swore to protect the human rights? Where are the signatures of the 47 men who witnessed the making of an independent assembly for the Human Rights? It is unfortunate to see that the universal assembly which once worked for the Rights is now not independent but a slave itself. An assembly which went out to end injustice and inequality is now the core of it. What the world needs is a system which is pure, which really means the well-being of our world. UNHRC was once the hero we deserved, but it's not the hero we need now. Today we know what UNHRC has transpired to be and it is now ours to decide that, is this assembly worthy of something as precious as our trust?

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Metropolitan Hurdles

Workplace diversity is now recognized as an important feature in organization. Especially in multicultural nations like Australia. What communication problems might arise in a culturally diverse workplace and how can manager best deal with them?

In a multicultural nation, there will be many communication problems because of different people. As the people who are working in same place but they belong to different countries and having different languages, cultures and norms. The main problem is language problem. If the people don’t understand the language of other person, it makes difficulty for both the persons and because of this misunderstanding, the organization does not work properly and will be damaging day by day.

The problem can be managed through the excellent plans. In multicultural states, there should be a rule to speak same language at official level. The leaders of organization should appoint the person who has ability to speak that language at official level.

Maham Khan

Monday 17 March 2014

Rendezvous with 'Ni masi'

 "Ni masi teri ti da nakhra barra... ni masi teri ti da nakhra barra.. Ye tou apnay aap ko smjhay khwabo ki shahzadi, is ka haal na bdla tou phir kon karega shadi ... ni masi teri ti da nakhra barra... ni masi teri ti da nakhra barra..."

Welcome to Lollywood :D

Yesterday, I was switching channels and after ascending and descending several times I decided to entertain myself with a Lolly Jolly film. I thought it would be good to watch something different, for a change.

I don't know the name of the movie but the actors were beautiful Babar Ali as Haider and ravishing Reema Khan as Kajal. Like many other films that are based on college and university, this movie also showed both as students who not only have personality clashes but the family and background differences too. Reema is a proud and arrogant girl while Babar Ali is mama's obedient and pious son.

The entertainment turned into amusement and hilarity when Reema's aunty (masi) comes to pick her up from college and Babar Ali begins singing this song with a platoon of 12-14 people. Surprisingly, they all knew those clumsy PT-style dancing steps that Babar Ali was performing. Here in this scene, his aim was to bother and irritate Reema and to hurt her ego.

Beside the funny dance and actions, it is the choreography of the whole song that makes one to continue laughing.

Funniest thing is while Haider constantly tries to annoy Reema, her aunty also starts dancing and enjoying and Reema leaves the campus only after he finishes the song. Although, technically and logically, she could leave the campus immediately for she had her driver car. As to why she allowed Haider to irritate her.

After seeing the silly latkas and jhatkas, I decided to watch the whole film, but K-Electric didn't allow me.

However, after having this extremely entertaining and joyful ride on the sofa, I came to the conclusion that the concept and idea weren't bad, but the execution. The cheesy dialogues, poor choreography, and Reema's queer dressing make one to further deplore the film.

Film making, therefore, requires education too and these 90's movies completely lack the factors of grace, which our movie makers have begin to exhibit now.

Mariam Hassan

Thursday 13 March 2014


Mobiles are the most valuable piece of equipment for any person while he is away from his safe abode.It is his gateway to safety in the time of an emergency.Therefore,it could well be said that the most important part of your body after your body your mobile phones.Parents who can not supervise their slightly elder children whist they are on their way to school or out with their friends find a sense of comfort whilst knowing they can be in contact with their child whenever they need to,as long as their phones are switched on.Also,whilst away from home and family,a mobile phone is the ideal piece of equipment that may allow a person to re-connect with his family and friends,also undergo various important tasks which are work related via conversations through his portable handset.

To conclude,The fact of the matter is all things have their qualities and negatives,it is up to the person and his personality to decide how he would choose to handle them in his own lifestyle.

Wednesday 12 March 2014

What To Expect In A Multi-Cultural Work Place..

If we talk about  Multicultural, the first thing which arises in our mind is language, because every culture, every nation as their own national language which make them different among others. The world is becoming large day-by-day and so the organizations all over the world is doing very hard struggle to be the best one. Organizations, institution always become well-known or become famous due to the working and hardship of the employees who are working in it. If we further talk about the culture, language, or organization, we can see that the multinational organization always want best employees, who know the communication skills and known of at least more then two language, which is good for them.
As we see, that all over the world in many organizations people with different culture and languages working in them. The things that might be create problem in communication is different speech of language, because everyone is not good enough in speaking different languages and if we can se many countries support or appreciate their own national language in every aspects, like China. It mostly use their own language rather then English which is international language. They use their language as a basic content of their lives. There every product, every articles mostly everything is surrounded by their language.
In America, many different people working in different sectors everyone is not known of same language that is speaking or writing around them, but if still they are understanding the works and order of that organization is the Manager of that organization who is well-organized or know the different languages, culture or tradition to treat their employees and make the goodwill among them, if the communication barrier take place in any organization it is the weakest point which take organization to the failure.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

Harmful effect of Fast Food

Fast food refers to the food that prepares and serves quickly. Today, there are millions of restaurants everywhere fast food is easily available which ruins our health. Everyone should go there at least once or many times in his/her life. This trend is increasing day by day and it becomes a fashion in modern life.

The hazards of fast foods are more enough than to destroy our healthier lives. One of the the foremost important harmful effect of fast food is nutritional imbalance .It gives us more calories and less nutrients. Children and young adults who consume more fast food on the other hand less fruits, vegetables and milk  and are not physically active  all it lead to obesity . Obese children have increased risk of developing Diabetes, High Blood Pressure and cardiovascular Diseases. The quality of fast food is also very poor. 

Another most harmful effect on children and young adult due to it ‘s use is Wastage of Money .They spend more money on hoteling and outing on the other hand they do not use it for educational purposes such as on books and notes etc. . It does not provide family member opportunity to sit and eat at one place .So it is responsible for Lack of Family Gathering and Irregular Eating Time.
In short fast food is dangerous for us in every aspect of life. People are attracted towards it by it colorful commercials but actually it is nothing but only glamor .Many unaware people think that many food chains such as McDonald and KFC are brand d but in reality their food are unhygienic have serious ill effect on our health and demolish our clean healthier lives .So with the above facts in view, we have to avoid fast food .so that in the coming years our generation will be healthier.


Maham Khan